We are totally offended by the continuous use of the n-word in McGruder's show." Ĭartoon Network replied by releasing a statement saying, "We think Aaron McGruder came up with a thought-provoking way of not only showing Dr. using the term "nigga." He demanded an apology from Aaron McGruder and Cartoon Network, stating "Cartoon Network must apologize and also commit to pulling episodes that desecrate black historic figures. The episode received criticism from Al Sharpton for depicting Martin Luther King Jr. "Return of the King" was the most controversial episode of The Boondocks's first season. Huey's final comment is "It's fun to dream," indicating that the entire episode has been his imagining of how history might have unfolded if King had not died in 1968. The front page of a November 2020 newspaper shows that King has died in Vancouver, British Columbia at the age of 91, and that Oprah Winfrey has just been elected President of the United States. Word of King's speech begins to spread, sparking a national uprising among black citizens that profoundly affects their culture. It is the last time that Huey sees him alive. King thanks Huey for trying to help, tells him to do all he can, and leaves. He sharply castigates them for falling victim to the worst stereotypes about their race after the Civil Rights Movement did so much to give them the opportunity to better themselves, and ends by announcing his plans to relocate to Canada. Shocked and disgusted by the crowd's poor behavior, King launches into a furious tirade that stuns them into silence. The meeting becomes a raucous event, filled with dozens of young black attendees and performers behaving as though they are at a nightclub. Huey and King next decide to spread the word by going door to door, but King hires an event promotions firm to publicize a planning meeting for the party without telling Huey. King tries to explain its principles on a talk show, only to be repeatedly cut off by the host until Huey throws a chair at him. The next day, Huey persuades King to try and reach out to the public again, this time by starting a political party. Huey tells him that the deterioration occurred because the culture was waiting for King or another strong leader to emerge.

Following an uneasy family dinner with King, Tom DuBois, and Uncle Ruckus as guests, Huey and King watch television together and King bemoans the state of black popular culture. Huey and Robert offer to let King stay with them while he is in town. Robert had participated in the Montgomery bus boycott, but has harbored a long-standing grudge against Rosa Parks because she received all the attention for refusing to give up her seat when Robert was sitting next to her, too, neither arrested nor acknowledged the same way Parks was. His commentary draws severe scorn from major news outlets and the White House, and his popularity plummets.ĭuring a book signing in Woodcrest attended by no one, Huey and Robert Freeman meet King. During an appearance on Politically Incorrect, King states that the teachings of his Christian faith require him to " turn the other cheek," even with respect to enemies such as Al-Qaeda. presidential election, but is "turned away due to voting irregularity".Ī biopic based on King's life is released shortly after the September 11 attacks, and becomes a box office flop as a result. Awakening in October 2000, he experiences a resurgence of popularity and signs a deal to write his autobiography. survived his assassination attempt on April 4, 1968, but fell into a 32-year coma.

Huey Freeman narrates an alternate version of history in which Martin Luther King Jr.